Saturday, 23 April 2011

Bridal Boot-Camp

For most of my life I have tried to lose weight. I have sometimes been successful but not often. This time however, I am in the correct frame of mind, I think. And I must be because I have lost a total of 19lbs as of yesterday, since Jan 14th.
I have had ups & downs along the weight-loss road in 2011 but overall I am losing what I set out to: A steady 1-2lbs a week.
And with the help of an online food diary and walking to work & back every day, I am managing just fine.
But this week I turned it up a notch in the hope of boosting my lust for a more slender frame (and smaller bridal gown). So this week I tried not one but two classes: Zumba & Pilates.

Zumba was so energetic, I don't think I have perspired that much for some time. It's basically a mix of aerobics & salsa dancing. But it makes for great fun & a fab way to burn those weekend calories when we go on a Monday evening. It's not on for the next two weeks due to the Bank Hols but make no mistake, I shall return for the next class!

If Zumba is high energy then consider Pilates at the complete opposite end of the spectrum. Meant to concentrate on improving posture & flexibility, Pilates is very chilled. I felt I had worked out my muscles but without sweating my backside off. And the extra exercise of walking to the class & back helps too.
I could definitely feel that my muscles had had a workout the day after & I shall be going back next week for the next installment.
With a small class of only 6 it means the teacher has more time to help us to ensure we are moving, laying, stretching etc. in the right way. And I definitely found out my weak spots (namely my hips) and what to work on. I'll be a contortionist before I know it, he he.

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