Wednesday, 16 February 2011

It's official!

Well, that's it. It's official. We're booked & ready to go! Along we went to Holdsworth House on Monday...

Homepage image

We had a sit down with the lovely planner Claire & decided on the options & totted up the figures and that's it... An hour later, we were in the diary! Deposit paid so it's all really happening.

Saturday 25th February 2012 - Only 374 days of planning to go :-D

Friday, 4 February 2011

The Musings of S

The reason I love my husband-to-be so much is that he's just as silly as me. Sometimes he vocalises things he really shouldn't say out loud. But I like this fact as I often do the same, hehe.
Anyway... This has inspired me to start a Friday thought from S.
I will try to document the silliest/most special thing that S has said that week. Hope you enjoy :-) So here's the first one...

Whilst looking in the mirror this morning, S turned to me & said: "I think we should go back to a society where people wore hats all the time."

Nuff said really!


Happy girl today. Bobbed on the scales and weighed myself. Another 1lb lighter this week... That's 8lbs in all, since I started 4 weeks ago. Onward & downward in weight... Still just over a year to go!

Thursday, 3 February 2011


They say a second-in-command (or Maid of Honour as most brides call them) has to be a pillar of strength in times of stress. So boy did I pick the correct person...

S [or MOH as she will be known] is the best Maid of Honour a girl could ask for. I have many close friends who were considered for the role - Ha! Makes me sound like a casting director or something doesn't it? - But S came out on top thanks to her grounded attitude & ability to make me see what I know I really want.
After meeting at University, we have helped one another through family stress & trials. After much laughter (and tears) I felt it only correct that I ask her to be my "right hand man" on the big day. And so far she's doing a fab job!
After all... I need someone who, on the day, won't be afraid to give a slap around the face & say "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!"

Mooning over the Honey

Today I have been mostly dreaming of lovely honeymoon destinations. I know that we have not even booked the venue yet but a girl can dream. And boy do I dream!
Why I am not marrying a millionaire, I do not know... I would make a very good millionaire's wife - I have no problem spending money that doesn't belong to me, hehe.
There is one place that we think we want to go but we're really not sure. That place, ladies & gentlemen is NYC!

I have wanted to go here since I was a youngster & think it would be a fab destination for our honeymoon! S also agrees that he'd really love to see New York & that it's somewhere we need to see before we think about settling down & having a family.
So "What's the problem?" you may ask. Well... There's a niggling thing at the back of our minds. The thought of another place that we both love & are wondering if it may be the place for a honeymoon. It's a place we've been before & know we still want to go back as there is still so much we want to see/do...

That damned mouse just has me in his grasp & won't let go! We went last year (again!) and loved it so much (again!). We have never been just the two of us before & S would really love to drive out there too.

I have priced up the two & for a week in New York we would probably spend as much as for two weeks in Orlando.

Decisions... Decisions... I think this going to be one of the more diffcult ones.

50s Housewife Glamour

For tips on the ultimate 50s housewife style...

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Missing a Trend

So I have noticed on a lot of wedding blogs that these little beauts keep popping up...

Now, not the archetypal Vivienne Westwood fan, I can't help admiring these. Is there a bridal trend I am missing out on? Hmmm...

Meet H...

Well, where do i start with H? Amongst the Bridal party, she is the indispensable one! Although not the Maid of Honour or one of the Bridesmaids she is playing a far more important role in my eyes... The fellow planner!

Ever the resourceful one, H is a dab hand at internet research, like myself. And spends many the office hour (Oops), trawling the web for fabulous blogs/sites for inspiration. I never tire of receiving the odd surprise email to break up my day. Featuring fab ideas for anything from flowers to bridal shoes & hairstyles to wedding favours.

She is always on the look-out for ideas & I think by the end of this 12 months we will not have only planned my wedding but H's too! Ever the saving grace in my hour of need, she is fab at seeing things from all perspectives. Quirky & Kitsch, she is a budding 50s bride like myself & I cannot wait for the day I get to repay the favour & help to plan her wedding (if she lets me).

We both want to be best friends with Emma Case [Photographer], both worship the Rock & Roll Bride's blog as a fountain of much inspiration for all things wedding-y. Are both very excited for my Dresses at No 9 dress, and for the many baking sessions to come, in our plot to make the best wedding favours ever!

In the coming weeks/months, most of the pictures/ideas you see on here will no doubt be as a result of H. And for that, I thank her!

Love you H xxx

Decisions, Decisions...

So after a great amount of magazine trawling, internet research & general confusion in bridal shops I have decided on the dress I would like.

Well... Something like it anyway...
And I have met a wonderful lady who is going to make my wishes come true. Check out her blog too...

The Perfect Beginning

So back in April 2009 [after almost 5 years together], my lovely other half (S) decided to pop the question. We were in St Ives, Cornwall at the time & it was about 8 o'clock in the morning. We had gone for a walk whilst still in our scruffs. So I am about to walk down the stairs onto the beach when he gets down on one knee & whips out a little dinky box. I was stunned. He blooming-well proposed!

I instantly burst into tears (I am not usually that much of a girl) & said "YES!" I must have been crying a lot as an older lady, walking her dog, approached us to ask if I was ok as I looked terribly upset. Haha! When S explained, she happily said "Oh... CONGRATULATIONS" and left us standing there.

After a calming cup of tea in a nearby cafe, we strolled back to the cottage where were staying with S' parents. They were very happy for us & I was surprised by how much his Dad cried. Bless!

Once back up North, we had to get the ring ordered in a different size as S had bought it on a whim, the day before we left for Cornwall so didn't have the right size. No problem... Jewellers to the rescue! And a few weeks later, there I was sporting my new fabulous platinum solitaire diamond band - I could not be more happy!

So fast forward almost two years & we're finally ready to plan a wedding...

First Post

Erm... Hi!