Wednesday 3 August 2011

The Lull is Over!

What a lazy blogger I am. And for this I must sincerely apologise. I realise I haven't actually typed a word to you since May. And for this I apologise also.
I am rubbish... It's official!

But enough of the self-deprecation, 'GET ON WITH IT!' I hear you say. So here I go...

It's official: I am out of the lull. 'What lull?' I hear you ask. The wedding lull. That hazy period in the wedding planning where you really feel like you should have something to do. But you don't. And not for the lack of trying either. Days spent flicking through my diary to ensure I hadn't forgotten anything so far. Days of typing out rather articulate & witty emails to my wedding suppliers only to swiftly realise that they are very busy people & probably couldn't care less about my absent-minded rambling thoughts. Needless to say... I've been bored.
I can hear you saying I should have been busy updating this blooming blog if I was so bored. But what did I have to write? I had nothing to say. Well... Nothing interesting to say. I could have typed out one of those ever-interesting emails, like I almost sent to my various suppliers but there's a reason they went straight to the deleted folder - They were nonsense.

But I'm back! I'm back... I promise!

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